Running Shoes
Please bear with us while we get our running shoe catalog built

Every shoe fitting begins with a sizing. Using the Brannock Device. This device lets us determine size and width of your shoes. As we all know shoe brands differ in sizes. Once we have your size and width. We look at your arch profile. With these to measurements we can now move on to looking at the different types of shoes.
Shoe Types
Shoe categories are broken down into 4 major types:
1 Motion Control: Provide the most stability and support for over pronators.
2 Stability: For medium to mild over pronators.
3 Guidance: Offer arch support but no medial posting for pronation.
4 Neutral: As the title says. Usually for neutral feet. Often neutral shoes can be used with a custom insole to accommodate for gait issues.
We stock all 4 types of shoes. We highly recommend anyone looking for shoes to stop in a let us address your needs, and make you and your feet very happy.